1. Vehicle maximum height from the ground – 13ft, maximum width – 8ft. No more than 7.5 tonnes, unless agreed directly with the organisers.
2. It is the responsibility of all owners of participating motor vehicles to notify their insurers with their intended use and ensure that all vehicles are street legal.
3. Vehicle entrants and their group are required to provide their own liability insurances in respect of any injury arising or damaged caused to third parties, person or property in relation to the event. Vehicles that cause damage to pavements, roads, buildings etc. will be charged for the cost of repair either directly or through their insurance. This may not cover participants so please check with your own insurers or obtain a waiver–a copy of this must be attached to the entry form.
4. Floats are requested not to carry people on the back to or from the venue unless in the carnival procession (with appropriate insurance)
5. Each vehicle entry must provide two Walking Marshals alongside the front wheels at all times, wearing Hi-Viz Safety wear.
6. A separate entry form must be used for each entry if entering more than one float
7. Fire extinguishers must be carried on all vehicles.
8. First Aid Boxes must be carried on all vehicles.
9. Entrants will be given a position in the parade. This might be subject to change at the last minute if we have no shows. It is a condition of entry that entrants remain in their position in line up and throughout the procession.
10. Entrants must present at the line up area by the times given prior to the event, and no later than 1pm ready for the Mayor of Eastbourne to judge their entry.
11. Balloons are NOT permitted at Eastbourne Carnival. This is because they cause significant harm to Marine life.
12. Single use plastic is prohibited (where relevant) i.e. plastic bags, drinks bottles, plastic cutlery, single use food containers and plastic cups.
13. Entrants are discouraged from giving out stickers.
14. Entrants are required to take responsibility of their own waste generated by their entry and take back and recycle.
15. Under 16’s must be accompanied by a guardian.
16. No parking at Assembly Area unless otherwise
17. All participants to respect the property of local residents and businesses.
18. All monies collected are for Eastbourne Carnival only and are to be handed in at the Collection Point (TBC) No private collections allowed. The money raised will be shared with the Carnival and qualifying charities / non profits a portion of the money raised is distributed to local charities on an even basis.
19. The throwing of any articles or squirting of liquids from floats or by pedestrians is banned.
20. The use of flares or other explosives such as fireworks is prohibited.
21. The Eastbourne Carnival Committee reserves the right to refuse any entry.
22. Please note that there is a bylaw prohibiting drinking alcohol on the seafront.
For more information, please see our FAQ Page or contact us with specific queries.